Tuesday, July 12, 2011


so i have a new favorite thing. my friend lindsey jo told me about this website called "pinterest". its a website that lets you "pin" anything you like from the internet onto your own personal "pinboard". at first i was skeptical.

but now, im not hooked at all completely hooked. this website is amazing. you can pin different recipes you find, places you want to visit, things youd like to do in the future, DIY projects, clothes you love but cant afford, dream homes, funny sayings, etc. 

its so so fun! you are even in a network of people and can "repin" /like anyones pins that they post if its something that interests you. my favorite thing that i pin is things to out in my house one day. so fun to think about & daydream about. loving the place that im in now, but its fun to dream a little. =] i encourage you all to get one now. so so fun & its an organized way to keep all of your ideas in one place, no matter what you want to keep track of. g getcha one, people!


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