some of my favorite things.
so i officially moved to texas this weekend, ya'll. i think it's gonna be a lot of fun there. me and cane are gonna have us a big 'ol adventure when i get down there. i think i'm going to wear a ten gallon hat the first week i am down there and start all my sentences with "howdy". what do ya'll think? too much?
well, moving to texas has made everything feel so real. saturday we got the uhaul and car not that full entirely full unpacked in seriously 30 minutes. big shout out to all the people who helped us to make the move not painful at all. the apartment is looking more like a home and less like the bachelor pad that it was, with black sheets and navy curtains. haha it's so neat to see how canaan and i's lives are slowly merging into one. we are both definitely nervous- nervous to not disappoint and be the best we can be for one another. which i take as a good sign because if we both are nervous about that, then we are both trying our best to be the best for one another. i am also hoping to get a job really soon. being off work for a while to get ready for the move and the wedding has showed me that i am really not one for being at home all of the time. i like my days being full and busy. i'm definitely not a workaholic, but i would like to contribute somewhere. i didn't take any pics of the apartment yet, because it's not completely settled in, but we will as soon as i get there!

ok, so on to something else i'm excited about. FALL. it is finally fall in tennessee. so stinking excited. driving back yesterday, we saw the trees slowly starting to change here. loving it. i miss the drives to knoxville only for the reason of seeing the leaves change. i love getting warm drinks at starbucks now. i love being able to wear my moccasins, scarves, jackets, flannel, plaid, and boots. i love friday night football games and having the smell of pumpkin in the house. i can't wait to decorate my new home in fall attire. pumpkins and mums are a must. tell me your favorite thing about fall! chances are , i'll agree with you.
last thing: i got a twitter. follow me!
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